Tool Evaluation #5

Image result for goosechase


Type of Software: 

Active Learning


goose chase pricing

Primary User:

Teachers, Students 


App & Website


  • Teachers can create their own scavenger hunt with help from website
  • Can do text questions, photo or GPS location
  • Taskbar to help with creating scavenger hunt listsgoosechase features


  • Know how to take pictures with phone or iPad
  • Have access to phone or iPad

An alternative:

Klikaklu is another scavenger hunt app. However, it is not aimed to the educational aspect like Goose chase. 


  • Allows for movement in the classroom. Can help students with behaioral issues
  •  Can add missions/ objectives overtime, the lesson is not set once created
  • Can track how students are doing, allows for teacher to provide extra instruction
  • Leaderboard can be used if the lesson is a challenge activity

goose chase leaderboard.png


  • The scavenger hunts can be limited on the lessons associated with it.
  •  There can only be 5 teams per game on free version


Engagement: Since teacher can create the scavenger hunt, it can be age appropriate and allow students to become fully engaged. The work will be on the level of the students and correlate to their current unit.

Enhancement: Allows students to become active learners by searching for items. Then the teacher can require a text answer to justify their thinking. This allows the students to be more hands on with their learning.

Extension: Teacher could create a scavenger hunt for students at home. This would allow students to explore their house or neighborhood. Finding different parts or materials that correlate to the topic. 

How I would use Goose Chase in my class.

Goose Chase would be better suited for Middle and Secondary classrooms. The teacher could create a get to know the classroom scavenger hunt list. If your class has students that benefit from moving around to avoid behavioral issues. Also, the teacher could set up stations where students would work in groups and then submit a picture or text answer through the app.